Journal Integration of Social Studies and Business Development (JISSBD)

About the Journal

  1. Journal Title: Journal Integration of Management Studies
  2. Initials: JIMS
  3. Frequency: Three Times A Year
  4. Print ISSN: 
  5. Online ISSN: 
  6. Editor in Chief: Kurnia Fajar Afgani, School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung
  7. DOI: –
  8. Publisher: Integrasi Sains Media

Journal Integration of Social Studies and Business Development (JISSBD) is an international, multidisciplinary, open-access journal aiming to promote and enhance research in all social studies and business development fields. It publishes peer-reviewed articles and encourages an interchange between social studies and business researchers, educators, and managers. The journal has been published regularly since 2022, three times a year in the English language. It is published by Integrasi Sains Media, Indonesia.

In publishing a peer-reviewed article, authors, editors, and reviewers respect ethical behavior standards. Editors of Journal Integration of Social Studies and Business Development vigorously promote research integrity and aim to prevent scientific misconduct, such as fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, redundant publication, and authorship problems. All submitted manuscripts are checked using Turnitin.

Our focus and scope are related but not limited to social studies, marketing research, small-medium business development, entrepreneurship, strategic management, finance, supply-chain management, industrial management, tourism development, and community development.


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